sobota, 4. februar 2012

Another earth (2011)

Film, ki vas ne bo pustil ravnodušne ...opisala bi ga samo z eno besedo... ČUDOVIT :) Če ste gledali film Melanholija boste našli nekaj podobnosti med zgodbami. Zgodba v tem filmu govori o nas samih.

Iz filma vam tukaj dajem eno zgodbico, ki je nažalost v angleškem jeziku. Če kdo ne bo razumel naj me kontaktira ;) Bomo uredili...

Zgodba o ruskem kozmonavtu

"He’s the first man ever to go into space. So he goes up in this big spaceship, but the only habitable part of its very small. So the cosmonaut is in there and he has this portal window and he's looking out of it and he sees the curvature of the earth for the first time. He's the first man to ever look at the planet he's from. And he's lost in that moment and all of a sudden there's this strange ticking... A few days go by with this sound and he knows that this small sound will break him. He will lose his mind. What's he gonna do? He's up in space. Alone. In a space closet. He's got 25 days left to go with this sound. So Cosmonaut decides the only way to save his sanity is to fall in love with this sound. So he closes his eyes and he goes into his imagination and then he opens them. He doesn't hear ticking any more. He hears music. And he spends the remainder of his time sailing through space in total bliss and peace."

Kaj bi občutili, če bi imeli možnost soočiti se s svojo drugo različico? Kaj bi ji rekli?

Mejte se radi!

Natalkakotalka :)